
November/December Collective

Jesus! He was born in the humblest of settings, a cattle shed. Yet a star brought the rich and the noble from thousands of kilometers away to worship Him.

His birth was contrary to the laws of life and His death was contrary to the laws of death. No miricle is greather than His birth, His life, His death, His resurrection and His teachings.

Yet, now here we are 2000 years later, and He is the central figure of human history. The theme of all preaching and only redeemer of the human race.

At this season of celebration and gift giving, lets join the wise men who fell down and worshiped Him. He lives so that we can live. So lets celebrate and give the best gift there is to give. That is Jesus!

Ps JP & Karen Metcalfe

Water Baptism

Thinking of getting baptised? come see Ps JP or Karen.

When: 18 Nov 2018, after church

Where; The Landing, Lake Tarawera



Fortnightly Wednesdays at 7:30pm

All welcome as we unpack and study the women of the bible, and make it relevant for women today.


C3 Christmas Celebration


To everyone who serves and volunteers at C3 Rotorua so faithfully, we would love to honour and celebrate you!

Sunday 9th December

5-8pm @ Parksyde Community Centre


Sermon Series

Join us as we start an awesome new 7 week series on Wisdom. You won’t want to miss a week, every week there will be a little gem of wisdom that will inspire, encourage and challenge.


Christmas Service

This year our Christmas Service will be on the 23rd December.

Come and join us for Christmas Carols and our very own Kids Christmas Production.


Worship & Creative Arts Practice Nights


Nov 6th & 20th

Dec 4th & 18th


Want to know more...

11 + 12 =

Chop Suey Hui

A Soup Kitchen with a difference, come and lend a hand as feed Rotorua.

Fortnightly on Mondays


Plastic Waka

Meet-up at Boyes Beach Lake Okareka for an evening paddle, bring your own if you have. Spare kayaks availible, please book beforehand if needing.

Fortnightly on Thursdays at 6:30pm


Identity In Christ

Please see Caroline or Karen for details